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Metal³ development environment walkthrough part 2: Deploying a new bare metal cluster

By Himanshu Roy


This blog post describes how to deploy a bare metal cluster, a virtual one for simplicity, using Metal³/metal3-dev-env. We will briefly discuss the steps involved in setting up the cluster as well as some of the customization available. If you want to know more about the architecture of Metal³, this blogpost can be helpful.

This post builds upon the detailed metal3-dev-env walkthrough blogpost which describes in detail the steps involved in the environment set-up and management cluster configuration. Here we will use that environment to deploy a new Kubernetes cluster using Metal³.

Before we get started, there are a couple of requirements we are expecting to be fulfilled.


  • Metal³ is already deployed and working, if not please follow the instructions in the previously mentioned detailed metal3-dev-env walkthrough blogpost.
  • The appropriate environment variables are setup via shell or in the config_${user}.sh file, for example

Overview of Config and Resource types

In this section, we give a brief overview of the important config files and resources used as part of the bare metal cluster deployment. The following sub-sections show the config files and resources that are created and give a brief description of some of them. This will help you understand the technical details of the cluster deployment. You can also choose to skip this section, visit the next section about provisioning first and then revisit this.

Config Files and Resources Types

"The directory tree for the ansible role used for deployment"

info “Information” Among these the config files are rendered under the path as part of the provisioning process.

A description of some of the files part of provisioning a cluster, in a centos-based environment:

Name Description Path
provisioning scripts Scripts to trigger provisioning of cluster, control plane or worker ${metal3-dev-env}/scripts/provision/
deprovisioning scripts Scripts to trigger deprovisioning of cluster, control plane or worker ${metal3-dev-env}/scripts/deprovision/
templates directory Templates for cluster, control plane, worker definitions ${metal3-dev-env}/vm-setup/roles/v1aX_integration_test/templates
clusterctl env file Cluster parameters and details ${Manifests}/clusterctl_env_centos.rc
generate templates Renders cluster, control plane and worker definitions in the Manifest directory ${metal3-dev-env}/vm-setup/roles/v1aX_integration_test/tasks/generate_templates.yml
main vars file Variable file that assigns all the defaults used during deployment ${metal3-dev-env}/vm-setup/roles/v1aX_integration_test/vars/main.yml

Here are some of the resources that are created as part of provisioning :

Name Description
Cluster a Cluster API resource for managing a cluster
Metal3Cluster Corresponding Metal3 resource generated as part of bare metal cluster deployment, and managed by Cluster
KubeadmControlPlane Cluster API resource for managing the control plane, it also manages the Machine object, and has the KubeadmConfig
MachineDeployment Cluster API resource for managing workers via MachineSet object, it can be used to add/remove workers by scaling Up/Down
MachineSet Cluster API resource for managing Machine objects for worker nodes
Machine Cluster API resource for managing nodes - control plane or workers. In case of Controlplane, its directly managed by KubeadmControlPlane, whereas for Workers it’s managed by a MachineSet
Metal3Machine Corresponding Metal3 resource for managing bare metal nodes, it’s managed by a Machine resource
Metal3MachineTemplate Metal3 resource which acts as a template when creating a control plane or a worker node
KubeadmConfigTemplate A template of KubeadmConfig, for Workers, used to generate KubeadmConfig when a new worker node is provisioned


The corresponding KubeadmConfig is copied to the control plane/worker at the time of provisioning.

Bare Metal Cluster Deployment

The deployment scripts primarily use ansible and the existing Kubernetes management cluster (based on minikube ) for deploying the bare-metal cluster. Make sure that some of the environment variables used for Metal³ deployment are set, if you didn’t use config_${user}.sh for setting the environment variables.

Parameter Description Default
CAPM3_VERSION Version of Metal3 API v1alpha3
CLUSTER_NAME Name of bare metal cluster test1


Steps Involved

All the scripts for cluster provisioning or de-provisioning are located at - ${metal3-dev-env}/scripts/. The scripts call a common playbook which handles all the tasks that are available.

The steps involved in the process are:

  • The script calls an ansible playbook with necessary parameters ( from env variables and defaults )
  • The playbook executes the role -, ${metal3-dev-env}/vm-setup/roles/v1aX_integration_test, which runs the main task_file for provisioning/deprovisioning the cluster, control plane or a worker
  • There are templates in the role, which are used to render configurations in the Manifest directory. These configurations use kubeadm and are supplied to the Kubernetes module of ansible to create the cluster.
  • During provisioning, first the clusterctl env file is generated, then the cluster, control plane and worker definition templates for clusterctl are generated at ${HOME}/.cluster-api/overrides/infrastructure-metal3/${CAPM3RELEASE}.
  • Using the templates generated in the previous step, the definitions for resources related to cluster, control plane and worker are rendered using clusterctl.
  • Centos or Ubuntu image is downloaded in the next step.
  • Finally using the above definitions, which are passed to the K8s module in ansible, the corresponding resource( cluster/control plane/worker ) is provisioned.
  • These same definitions are reused at the time of de-provisioning the corresponding resource, again using the K8s module in ansible

    note “Note” The manifest directory is created when provisioning is triggered for the first time and is subsequently used to store the config files that are rendered for deploying the bare metal cluster.

"An Overview of various resources generated while provisioning and
their relationship amongst

Provision Cluster

This script, located at the path - ${metal3-dev-env}/scripts/provision/, provisions the cluster by creating a Metal3Cluster and a Cluster resource.

To see if you have a successful Cluster resource creation( the cluster still doesn’t have a control plane or workers ), just do:

kubectl get Metal3Cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n metal3

This will return the cluster deployed, and you can check the cluster details by describing the returned resource.

Here is what a Cluster resource looks like:

kubectl describe Cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n metal3
kind: Cluster
metadata: [......]
    port: 6443
    kind: KubeadmControlPlane
    name: bmetalcluster
    namespace: metal3
    kind: Metal3Cluster
    name: bmetalcluster
    namespace: metal3
  infrastructureReady: true
  phase: Provisioned

Provision Controlplane

This script, located at the path - ${metal3-dev-env}/scripts/provision/, provisions the control plane member of the cluster using the rendered definition of the control plane explained in the Steps Involved section. The KubeadmControlPlane creates a Machine which picks up a BareMetalHost satisfying its requirements as the control plane node, and it is then provisioned by the Bare Metal Operator. A Metal3MachineTemplate resource is also created as part of the provisioning process.


It takes some time for the provisioning of the control plane, you can watch the process using some steps shared a bit later

kubectl get KubeadmControlPlane ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n metal3
kubectl describe KubeadmControlPlane ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n metal3
kind: KubeadmControlPlane
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: Cluster
    name: bmetalcluster
    uid: aec0f73b-a068-4992-840d-6330bf943d22
  resourceVersion: "44555"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 99487c75-30f1-4765-b895-0b83b0e5402b
    kind: Metal3MachineTemplate
    name: bmetalcluster-controlplane
    namespace: metal3
    - content: |
  replicas: 1
  version: v1.18.0
  replicas: 1
  unavailableReplicas: 1
  updatedReplicas: 1
kubectl get Metal3MachineTemplate ${CLUSTER_NAME}-controlplane -n metal3

To track the progress of provisioning, you can try the following:

kubectl get BareMetalHosts -n metal3 -w

The BareMetalHosts resource is created when Metal³/metal3-dev-env was deployed. It is a kubernetes resource that represents a bare metal Machine, with all its details and configuration, and is managed by the Bare Metal Operator. You can also use the short representation instead, i.e. bmh ( short for BareMetalHosts) in the command above. You should see all the nodes that were created at the time of metal3 deployment, along with their current status as the provisioning progresses


All the bare metal hosts listed above were created when Metal³ was deployed in the detailed metal3-dev-env walkthrough blogpost.

kubectl get Machine -n metal3 -w

This shows the status of the Machine associated with the control plane and we can watch the status of provisioning under PHASE

Once the provisioning is finished, let’s get the host-ip:

sudo virsh net-dhcp-leases baremetal


baremetal is one of the 2 networks that were created at the time of Metal3 deployment, the other being “provisioning” which is used - as you have guessed - for provisioning the bare metal cluster. More details about networking setup in the metal3-dev-env environment are described in the - detailed metal3-dev-env walkthrough blogpost.

You can log in to the control plane node if you want, and can check the deployment status using two methods.

ssh metal3@{control-plane-node-ip}
ssh metal3@

Provision Workers

The script is located at ${metal3-dev-env-path}/scripts/provision/ and it provisions a node to be added as a worker to the bare metal cluster. It selects one of the remaining nodes and provisions it and adds it to the bare metal cluster ( which only has a control plane node at this point ). The resources created for workers are - MachineDeployment which can be scaled up to add more workers to the cluster and MachineSet which then creates a Machine managing the node.


Similar to control plane provisioning, worker provisioning also takes some time, and you can watch the process using steps shared a bit later. This will also apply when you scale Up/Down workers at a later point in time.

This is what a MachineDeployment looks like

kubectl describe MachineDeployment ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n metal3
kind: MachineDeployment
  - apiVersion:
    kind: Cluster
    name: bmetalcluster
    uid: aec0f73b-a068-4992-840d-6330bf943d22
  resourceVersion: "66257"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: f598da43-0afe-44e4-b793-cd5244c13f4e
  clusterName: bmetalcluster
  minReadySeconds: 0
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
  replicas: 1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 1
    matchLabels: bmetalcluster
      nodepool: nodepool-0
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0
    type: RollingUpdate
      labels: bmetalcluster
        nodepool: nodepool-0
          kind: KubeadmConfigTemplate
          name: bmetalcluster-workers
      clusterName: bmetalcluster
        kind: Metal3MachineTemplate
        name: bmetalcluster-workers
      version: v1.18.0
  observedGeneration: 1
  phase: ScalingUp
  replicas: 1
  unavailableReplicas: 1
  updatedReplicas: 1

To check the status we can follow steps similar to Controlplane case:

kubectl get bmh -n metal3 -w

We can see the live status of the node being provisioned. As mentioned before bmh is the short representation of BareMetalHosts.

kubectl get Machine -n metal3 -w

This shows the status of Machines associated with workers, apart from the one for Controlplane, and we can watch the status of provisioning under PHASE

sudo virsh net-dhcp-leases baremetal

To get the node’s IP

ssh metal3@{control-plane-node-ip}
kubectl get nodes

To check if it’s added to the cluster

ssh metal3@{node-ip}

If you want to log in to the node

kubectl scale --replicas=3 MachineDeployment ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n metal3

We can add or remove workers to the cluster, and we can scale up the MachineDeployment up or down, in this example we are adding 2 more worker nodes, making the total nodes = 3


All of the previous components have corresponding de-provisioning scripts which use config files, in the previously mentioned manifest directory, and use them to clean up the worker, control plane and cluster.

This step will use the already generated cluster/control plane/worker definition file, and supply it to Kubernetes ansible module to remove/de-provision the resource. You can find it, under the Manifest directory, in the Snapshot shared at the beginning of this blogpost where we show the file structure.

For example, if you wish to de-provision the cluster, you would do:

sh ${metal3-dev-env-path}/scripts/deprovision/
sh ${metal3-dev-env-path}/scripts/deprovision/
sh ${metal3-dev-env-path}/scripts/deprovision/


The reason for running the deprovision/ and deprovision/ scripts is that not all objects are cleared when we just run the deprovision/ script. Following this, if you want to de-provision the control plane it is recommended to de-provision the cluster itself since we can’t provision a new control plane with the same cluster. For worker de-provisioning, we only need to run the worker script.

The following video demonstrates all the steps to provision and de-provision a Kubernetes cluster explained above.


In this blogpost we saw how to deploy a bare metal cluster once we have a Metal³(metal3-dev-env repo) deployed and by that point we will already have the nodes ready to be used for a bare metal cluster deployment.

In the first section, we show the various configuration files, templates, resource types and their meanings. Then we see the common steps involved in the provisioning process. After that, we see a general overview of how all resources are related and at what point are they created - provision cluster/control plane/worker.

In each of the provisioning sections, we see the steps to monitor the provisioning and how to confirm if it’s successful or not, with brief explanations wherever required. Finally, we see the de-provisioning section which uses the resource definitions generated at the time of provisioning to de-provision cluster, control plane or worker.

Here are a few resources which you might find useful if you want to explore further, some of them have already been shared earlier.