Around the Web
Conference Talks
- Metal3: Deploy Kubernetes on Bare Metal - Yolanda Robla - Shift Dev 2019
- Introducing Metal3 kubernetes native bare metal host management - Kubecon NA 2019
- Extend Your Data Center to the Hybrid Edge - Red Hat Summit, May 2019
- OpenStack Ironic and Bare Metal Infrastructure: All Abstractions Start Somewhere - Chris Hoge, OpenStack Foundation; Julia Kreger, Red Hat
- Kubernetes-native Infrastructure: Managed Baremetal with Kubernetes Operators and OpenStack Ironic - Steve Hardy, Red Hat
In The News
- The New Stack: Metal3 Uses OpenStack’s Ironic for Declarative Bare Metal Kubernetes
- The Register: Raise some horns: Red Hat’s MetalKube aims to make Kubernetes on bare machines simple
Blog Posts
Community Meetups
- Join Metal3 Team Meetups to engage in discussion with members and help with a deeper understanding of the project as well as the future discussion
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- Netlify Open Source Plan.