
Read about the newest updates in the community.

Raw image streaming available in Metal3

By Maël Kimmerlin

Metal3 supports multiple types of images for deployment, the most popular being QCOW2. We have recently added support for a feature of Ironic that improves deployments on constrained environments, raw image streaming. We’ll first dive into how Ironic deploys the images on the target hosts, and how raw image streaming...

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Cluster API provider renaming

By Maël Kimmerlin

Renaming of Cluster API provider Backwards compatibility for v1alpha3There is no backwards compatibility between v1alpha3 and v1alpha2 releases of the Cluster API provider for Metal3. For the v1alpha3 release of Cluster API, the Metal3 provider was renamed from cluster-api-provider-baremetal to cluster-api-provider-metal3. The Custom Resource Definitions were also modified. This post...

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A detailed walkthrough of the Metal³ development environment

By Alberto Losada

Introduction to metal3-dev-env The metal3-dev-env is a collection of scripts in a GitHub repository inside the Metal³ project that aims to allow contributors and other interested users to run a fully functional Metal³ environment for testing and have a first contact with the project. Actually, metal3-dev-env sets up an emulated...

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