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Extend Your Data Center to the Hybrid Edge - Red Hat Summit, May 2019

By Pedro Ibáñez Requena

Conference talk: Extend Your Data Center to the Hybrid Edge - Red Hat Summit, May 2019, Paul Cormier, Burr Stutter and Garima Sharma A critical part of being successful in the hybrid cloud is being successful in your data centre with your own infrastructure. In this video, Paul Cormier, Burr...

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Kubernetes-native Infrastructure: Managed Baremetal with Kubernetes Operators and OpenStack Ironic - Steve Hardy, Red Hat

By Pedro Ibáñez Requena

Conference talk: Open Infrastructure Days UK 2019; Kubernetes-native Infrastructure: Managed Baremetal with Kubernetes Operators and OpenStack Ironic - Steve Hardy, Red Hat In this session, you can hear about a new effort to enable baremetal Kubernetes deployments using native interfaces, and in particular, the Kubernetes Operator framework, combined with OpenStack...

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OpenStack Ironic and Bare Metal Infrastructure: All Abstractions Start Somewhere - Chris Hoge, OpenStack Foundation; Julia Kreger, Red Hat

By Pedro Ibáñez Requena

Conference talk: OpenStack Ironic and Bare Metal Infrastructure: All Abstractions Start Somewhere The history of cloud computing has rapidly layered abstractions on abstractions to deliver applications faster, more reliably, and easier. Serverless functions on top of containers on top of virtualization. However, at the bottom of every stack is physical...

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Baremetal Operator

By Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Introduction The baremetal operator, documented at, it’s the Operator in charge of definitions of physical hosts, containing information about how to reach the Out of Band management controller, URL with the desired image to provision, plus other properties related with hosts being used for provisioning instances. Quoting from the...

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By Eduardo Minguez

Originally posted at In this blog post, I’m going to try to explain in my own words a high level overview of what Metal3 is, the motivation behind it and some concepts related to a ‘baremetal operator’. Let’s have some definitions! Custom Resource Definition The k8s API provides out-of-the-box...

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