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Metal³: Baremetal Provisioning for Kubernetes

By Russell Bryant

Originally posted at

Project Introduction

There are a number of great open-source tools for bare metal host provisioning, including Ironic. Metal³ aims to build on these technologies to provide a Kubernetes native API for managing bare metal hosts via a provisioning stack that is also running on Kubernetes. We believe that Kubernetes Native Infrastructure, or managing your infrastructure just like your applications, is a powerful next step in the evolution of infrastructure management.

The Metal³ project is also building integration with the Kubernetes cluster-api project, allowing Metal³ to be used as an infrastructure backend for Machine objects from the Cluster API.

Metal3 Repository Overview

There is a Metal³ overview and some more detailed design documents in the metal3-docs repository.

The baremetal-operator is the component that manages bare metal hosts. It exposes a new BareMetalHost custom resource in the Kubernetes API that lets you manage hosts in a declarative way.

Finally, the cluster-api-provider-baremetal repository includes integration with the cluster-api project. This provider currently includes a Machine actuator that acts as a client of the BareMetalHost custom resources.


The project has been going on for a few months now, and there’s enough now to show some working code.

For this demonstration, I’ve started with a 3-node Kubernetes cluster installed using OpenShift.

$ kubectl get nodes
master-0   Ready    master   24h   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d
master-1   Ready    master   24h   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d
master-2   Ready    master   24h   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d

Machine objects were created to reflect these 3 masters, as well.

$ kubectl get machines
ostest-master-0                                             24h
ostest-master-1                                             24h
ostest-master-2                                             24h

For this cluster-api provider, a Machine has a corresponding BareMetalHost object, which corresponds to the piece of hardware we are managing. There is a design document that covers the relationship between Nodes, Machines, and BareMetalHosts.

Since these hosts were provisioned earlier, they are in a special externally provisioned state, indicating that we enrolled them in management while they were already running in a desired state. If changes are needed going forward, the baremetal-operator will be able to automate them.

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts
NAME                 STATUS   PROVISIONING STATUS      MACHINE           BMC                         HARDWARE PROFILE   ONLINE   ERROR
openshift-master-0   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-0   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-1   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-1   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-2   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-2   ipmi://                      true

Now suppose we’d like to expand this cluster by adding another bare metal host to serve as a worker node. First, we need to create a new BareMetalHost object that adds this new host to the inventory of hosts managed by the baremetal-operator. Here’s the YAML for the new BareMetalHost:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: openshift-worker-0-bmc-secret
type: Opaque
  username: YWRtaW4=
  password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=

kind: BareMetalHost
  name: openshift-worker-0
  online: true
    address: ipmi://
    credentialsName: openshift-worker-0-bmc-secret
  bootMACAddress: 00:ab:4f:d8:9e:fa

Now to add the BareMetalHost and its IPMI credentials Secret to the cluster:

$ kubectl create -f worker_crs.yaml
secret/openshift-worker-0-bmc-secret created created

The list of BareMetalHosts now reflects a new host in the inventory that is ready to be provisioned. It will remain in this ready state until it is claimed by a new Machine object.

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts
NAME                 STATUS   PROVISIONING STATUS      MACHINE           BMC                         HARDWARE PROFILE   ONLINE   ERROR
openshift-master-0   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-0   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-1   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-1   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-2   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-2   ipmi://                      true
openshift-worker-0   OK       ready                                      ipmi://   unknown            true

We have a MachineSet already created for workers, but it scaled down to 0.

$ kubectl get machinesets
ostest-worker-0   0         0                             24h

We can scale this MachineSet to 1 to indicate that we’d like a worker provisioned. The baremetal cluster-api provider will then look for an available BareMetalHost, claim it, and trigger provisioning of that host.

$ kubectl scale machineset ostest-worker-0 --replicas=1

After the new Machine was created, our cluster-api provider claimed the available host and triggered it to be provisioned.

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts
NAME                 STATUS   PROVISIONING STATUS      MACHINE                 BMC                         HARDWARE PROFILE   ONLINE   ERROR
openshift-master-0   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-0         ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-1   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-1         ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-2   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-2         ipmi://                      true
openshift-worker-0   OK       provisioning             ostest-worker-0-jmhtc   ipmi://   unknown            true

This process takes some time. Under the hood, the baremetal-operator is driving Ironic through a provisioning process. This begins with wiping disks to ensure the host comes up in a clean state. It will eventually write the desired OS image to disk and then reboot into that OS. When complete, a new Kubernetes Node will register with the cluster.

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts
NAME                 STATUS   PROVISIONING STATUS      MACHINE                 BMC                         HARDWARE PROFILE   ONLINE   ERROR
openshift-master-0   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-0         ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-1   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-1         ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-2   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-2         ipmi://                      true
openshift-worker-0   OK       provisioned              ostest-worker-0-jmhtc   ipmi://   unknown            true

$ kubectl get nodes
master-0   Ready    master   24h   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d
master-1   Ready    master   24h   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d
master-2   Ready    master   24h   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d
worker-0   Ready    worker   68s   v1.13.4+d4ce02c1d

The following screen cast demonstrates this process, as well:

Machine API driven bare metal worker deployment (OpenShift)

Removing a bare metal host from the cluster is very similar. We just have to scale this MachineSet back down to 0.

$ kubectl scale machineset ostest-worker-0 --replicas=0

Once the Machine has been deleted, the baremetal-operator will deprovision the bare metal host.

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts
NAME                 STATUS   PROVISIONING STATUS      MACHINE           BMC                         HARDWARE PROFILE   ONLINE   ERROR
openshift-master-0   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-0   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-1   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-1   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-2   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-2   ipmi://                      true
openshift-worker-0   OK       deprovisioning                             ipmi://   unknown            false

Once the deprovisioning process is complete, the bare metal host will be back to its ready state, available in the host inventory to be claimed by a future Machine object.

$ kubectl get baremetalhosts
NAME                 STATUS   PROVISIONING STATUS      MACHINE           BMC                         HARDWARE PROFILE   ONLINE   ERROR
openshift-master-0   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-0   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-1   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-1   ipmi://                      true
openshift-master-2   OK       externally provisioned   ostest-master-2   ipmi://                      true
openshift-worker-0   OK       ready                                      ipmi://   unknown            false

Getting Involved

All development is happening on github. We have a metal3-dev mailing list and use #cluster-api-baremetal on Kubernetes Slack to chat. Occasional project updates are posted to @metal3_io on Twitter.